recent trip to Istanbul was saturated with preconceptions, anxieties and
miscommunications, but it was all part of the adventure of traveling to three
continents in a short time. Landing at Nairobi airport we had a day of waiting
in front of us before our flight to Istanbul late that night. To pass the time
in Nairobi we thought we’d run an errand or two and visit someplace we had not
yet seen. Phillip, the cab driver that we always use when we are there, is a
fabulous driver. You have to have a good driver in Nairobi because otherwise all you do is sit
in endless traffic jams. After enjoying
a coffee together, we got in Phillip’s Toyota Camry and attempted to get into
the city.
The atmosphere in Nairobi is similar to Eldoret although it is so much bigger.There are over 3 million people living there
and there seem to be at least 3 million vehicles. Like in Eldoret, the main
highway, which runs from the coast to Uganda, runs through the city. So there are many trucks and lots of transport going on but no public transportation aside from some busses.
It seems very ill-prepared for the influx of
people that has occurred. Like all big cities, young people flock to it
because it is the “place to be” and it
supposedly offers more work, but many of the people are living in abject
As far as I’m concerned, the
only reason to go there at this point is to visit the elephant orphanage, the
National Museum of Kenya,
or to run
necessary errands or
get things we
can’t get in Eldoret (rumor has it you can get salmon there….I have yet to find
it). This is not to say that there are not interesting things to see there. You
just have to have the time to get to them. Not being in a hurry is key.
Our day was spent mostly sitting
in traffic , as Phillip regaled us with funny stories,
interesting insights and anecdotes about the politicians, people, drivers,
issues and problems in Nairobi. There seem to be a plethora of them.
Most are caused by traffic snarls and people
not obeying laws and cops not really guiding traffic as well as they might. In
fact, there are several roundabouts in Nairobi at which the traffic is
completely at a standstill so they clearly aren’t functioning well. So, yes,
Nairobi can be interesting if you have a good driver, know exactly where you
want to go, and are not in any rush to get there. Did I mention that the
traffic is terrible?
We were taken back to the airport right on schedule by
Phillip and we spent the next couple of hours dealing with airline ticketing
issues before finally boarding to go to Dubai, on our way to Istanbul. We had a
ten hour layover in Dubai, so we had planned to go out of the airport, and
Liam, who was more interested than I , had done some research of the metro
system and where to see interesting stuff.
He mostly was interested in going to see the Burj Khalifa, the tallest
building in the world. Because of his enthusiasm I was feeling sort of halfheartedly
It was pretty clear immediately as we stepped out of the
tunnel from our flight that we were no longer in Africa. The Dubai airport is
huge, very bright, and very modern, completely the opposite of the Nairobi
airport. It felt like about 10 times the size of the Indianapolis airport. The
folks taking passports and pictures were dressed in traditional garb, called dish-dash
and keffiyeh (the men), and were very efficient although not overly
friendly. We had to wait around for the
metro to open to get downtown so we had a cup of coffee and looked at a map in
what seemed a very sterile and overly large setting to us. An enormous glass and metal hallway houses the
“waiting area” of the Dubai airport which is also filled with shopping
opportunities. Another culture obsessed with shopping!
We got on the metro, which was very easy to figure out and
we took it to the marina, as we wanted to see the ocean. Since it was very early in the morning, most
of the folks getting on and off the metro seemed to be non-Emiratis, maybe migrant
workers from Asia. The city is an ongoing strip of construction projects of
LARGE buildings….it felt a bit like there was a “who can build the weirdest
building” contest going on, because although they were all big and modern
looking, they were all sorts of odd shapes and configurations. I had an uneasy
feeling about Dubai, as someone who was affected by the construction
industry’s struggles in the last 6 years. It just seems like they are going to
be in for a terrible downturn, if they expect to get all of these buildings
leased. I mean I am talking about skyscraper after skyscraper on the edge of
the ocean, in the desert. I suppose they expect people to move there and
companies to invest. Well, “good luck to them” is all I can say.
Once we got out of the metro we got an idea of how things
are in Dubai. There were few people on the street, in complete contrast to
Nairobi, and there are long air conditioned tunnels going over the highways. We
went to the marina and were disappointed, because there was a lot of
construction going on and we were prevented from getting to the ocean by
highways and construction traffic. There was one cool building that we admired
a bit but as it was early in the morning still (7 am) we began to feel how the
heat was going to come on during the day . We took the metro up to the Burj
Khalifa area and again had to go through an air-conditioned tunnel to get to
it. However, we didn’t actually get to
it because the tunnel took us into the Dubai Mall, which we had been hoping to
avoid. No avoiding malls in Dubai, I guess.
I had seen a cool looking fountain from the tunnel so we spent some time
figuring out how to get out of this enormous mall and back onto the street, not
completely successfully. By the time we did get back outside , it was about 100
degrees with 100% humidity. I was ready to leave.
The Burj Khalifa is
remarkable. Very tall and very skinny. The fountain in front of it is
enchanting, so we sat in the shade of
palm trees and watched it for quite awhile. Other than that there was not much to do there
as far as we could, tell aside from shop.
We were really too early in the day to see what a “normal” day would be,
but there were a few niqab and higab (headscarf and face covering) dressed women
with their western looking kids in the
mall. There are approximately 1000 shops
and a giant food court, an ice rink, an
aquarium, a huge waterfall, and a giant movie theater. I could see it being perceived as a great place for families to
hang out, especially when it’s 100 degrees and 100% humidity!
By the time we got back to the airport, I was over Dubai and
really ready to head to Istanbul. Of course, there were issues with going to
Istanbul at this moment in time, because it had been in the news for the past
few weeks due to the protests and police reactions in Taksim Square. The protests had originated out of a concern by
environmentalists for one of the few green spaces left in Istanbul, but had
intensified and escalated into a growing
protest of what people seem to feel is an ever expanding repressive government.
I felt like it was going to be ok because on our Climate Leader’s Facebook group
members (some of whom were Turks) had been saying reassuring things about the
protests now being calm and peaceful and no one ever said “don’t come.” The
main reason that I was excited was that
Jeannette and Nick were going to be there together for a few days after our training and we hadn't seen them in a long time. Liam was thrilled to be seeing another
international city. My concerns had lifted and I was
looking forward to spending a few days there. I actually had been there as a college student
and really had enjoyed it so was curious to see how I would view it now.
We took a shuttle bus
from the airport to an area that I thought was near our hostel, not far from Taksim
Square, since our training was going to be there. Unfortunately, due to the
protests, Taksim itself was closed to buses so we ended up having to take a cab
also. The cabbie assured us he knew
where he was going and drove like a madman down the little cobblestone streets, nearly careening
into buildings and killing pedestrians in his path. I was horrified and since
it became clear quickly that he spoke very little English (except he kept
saying “no problem no problem” ) I said to Liam quickly, “let’s jump out at the
next stop, this guy clearly doesn’t know where he is going!” I think my hair
was standing on end at that point. I was nervous also because it was getting to
be dusk and I really wanted to be near our place before dark since there were
thousands of folks still gathering in Taksim at night. He stopped right at
Taksim and asked a cabbie buddy to call our hostel and they didn’t answer, so
he told us to get out and walk. He ripped me off but I was relieved to get out of
his deathtrap vehicle and NOT be taken on a wild goose chase ride any further.
I had a sense of which direction our hostel was from the square so we started
hoofing it quickly. Liam was interested in hanging around near the square and I
had to sort of put my foot down that we could come back in the day, but not at
night. So we finally found our place after asking about 6 people. It was not too
near the square and on a small side street.
Early in the evening on Saturday June 15th, several days after
our arrival, the police took very aggressive action and pushed the demonstrators out of Gezi Park violently. Our little street seemed to be the place where the protesters were
gathering to regroup because the police could not get down into the small
streets. The police were shooting many canisters of tear gas which we
encountered on our walk back from dinner. It had seemed obvious to me that
something was going to go down because there were hundreds of riot police on
the street all week, despite the peaceful attitude of the “occupiers” of Gezi
Park. As we walked back to our hostel we could sense the tear gas in the air
and as we approached, the tear gas was seeping into our building and burning
our eyes and skin. It was quite unpleasant but at the same time interesting to
see a bit of what we had been reading about. Many people that we had met were involved in the
protests and it seems the current Prime Minister is a bit of a bully and making
changes that a lot of the more secular people there don’t like.
Turkey has a rich and interesting history and I am not an authority on it by
any means, so I don’t want to speak out of turn. It has had a recent history of
“democratization” and development but a lot of the young people we met were
concerned that the government was making unnecessary and oppressive rules and
restrictions and there was a lot of anger in the air (and tear gas).
We moved early the next day , as our training was
abbreviated due to the situation and we had a reservation in Sultanhamet (the "old city") for
Monday anyway. Strangely, in the touristy region, you wouldn’t have known the
protests were going on because it focused only on pleasing and attracting
tourists. No signs of protest or anger there. The guy who was at our front desk
seemed to be working in the tourist area during the day and protesting at night
which maybe was a common phenomenon. He was keeping me posted on the goings on
as I knew Nick was soon to arrive to the Taksim area.
Istanbul is the city in the world where “Europe meets Asia” and
it is therefore, both exotic and familiar. It has become an enormous city (12
million) and because of its historic and religious sites, it draws a lot of
tourists. Many people from the Middle East are there and the streets
are quite crowded with visitors and many hawkers. It is quite beautifully set,
up on hills , spanning three peninsulas. The architecture from the Byzantine
and Ottaman eras is quite stunning and it’s fun to look for more obscure
buildings which also have lovely mosaics aside from the main attractions. The
Bosphorus Strait runs through it, thus it has both land and seafaring culture. It felt particularly exotic because of the
language and food because it is so different than English, Swahili, or any
European language and very very different from the Midwest and Kenya
spice market istanbul |
Blue Mosque Istanbul |
Blue Mosque at night |
Burj Khalifa Dubai |
Cisterns Istanbul |
Preparing Kebabs Istanbul |
Emirati Men in dish-dash |
Dubai from tunnel |
Fast food in Dubai mall |
Store directory Dubai Mall |
Fountain outside of Burj Khalifa |
Fruit vendor Istanbul |
Graffiti Istanbul |
Grand Bazaar Istanbul |
Jeannette and Mural Istanbul |
Tramway Istanbul |
Man at Dubai Mall |
Women shopping at Dubai Mall |
Kids and I with Istanbul and Bosphorus in background |
colorful Turkish pottery |
Street scene after protests near Taksim |
Dubai from the metro |
Turkish delight |
one small segment of Dubai |
More fast food in Dubai Mall |
More graffiti in Istanbul |
Istanbul shops |
Istanbul Galata bridge and tower |
view from our hostel in Sultanhamet |
Bosphorus |
Haya Sophia Istanbul |
Fountain outside of Burj Khalifa |
. We had a lot of laughs due to our inability to communicate
with Turks.
Overall it was a somewhat stressful yet very interesting and
ultimately gratifying trip. Probably one of the most remarkable moments for me
was when, totally exhausted, we were landing back in Nairobi and I thought to
myself, “I’m glad to be home.” This was the first time in 10 months that I
actually felt like I was coming home…I know what to expect, I know how to
respond and behave and be understood and compared to Turkey, I feel completely
at home here in Kenya. Marvels will never cease!