Since we are soon going to leave Kenya, we wanted to share
some of the more positive aspects of what we have experienced here. We have
been here for 2 ½ years now and have had the opportunity to travel quite a bit.
We've been all the way south west to Lake
Victoria, the second largest lake in the world (after Lake Superior), west to
the border with Uganda, south through the savanna and east to the coast, then north
of Nairobi through the Central highlands, and up to the Samburu lands. There is
still more to see, unbelievably, and we may get another chance to go further
north, but at this point we feel we've had a good taste of this vast and interesting
Travel here, the way that we do it, by driving ourselves, is
a bit exhausting because the roads are not always in great shape. There is only
one true “main drag” through the country, running from the coast to Kampala,
Uganda, and it is in much better shape than it used to be, but it is full of
large lorries, many of which are old and in uncertain condition. The flow of
traffic is totally dependent on the lorries which means it could be flowing
really well, or it could be backed up for hours. There aren’t many road rules here, which might
be fun for driving, but for me, as the passenger, it is exhausting and
nerve-wracking. Aside from the main road,
the others are usually quite bumpy as they are worn out and full of potholes.
We camp, as well, so our experiences have been quite
different than they would be if we were paying for a driver and staying in
fancy lodges. We feel, as we do at home, that camping is a great way to be “in”
the parks and to be surrounded by the natural beauty that is Kenya. Anyway,
it’s a full body experience, travelling our way! Certainly not the way all who
come here would choose to travel and there are many options for ways to do it!
Our goal is generally to experience the natural world as it
is supposed to be. Like everywhere that humans live, the natural environment is
always affected by their incursion, and that is true in Kenya as well. Truly
nothing has gone unchanged here over the centuries. Although the majority of
the people are still farmers, herders and pastoralists, their lifestyles affect
the habitats of the indigenous animals both because of human/wildlife conflict
and erosion caused by pasturing cows as well as the building of fences and dams
and ponds, etc. Despite the intrusion of
humans and the reality of habitats changing, there is still a lot of natural
beauty that to the untrained eye seems rather amazing and unfettered.
Kenya is as big as France, and very diverse. It has a
biological diversity that competes with only a few other places in the world,
with over 1200 species of birds, many hundreds of species of mammals, reptiles
and trees. The flowers and flowering trees are quite spectacular and colorful as
well, and draw many birds and pollinators. There is also a large diversity of
pollinator insects, which we have been made aware of by our association with
our friend Dr. Dino Martins, Phd Biology. Pollinators are his area of interest,
so we have learned that there is huge diversity of butterflies, bees, dragon
flies, and just “plain old” flies. ( The sizes, shapes and
colors of insects, birds, flowers and trees is an ongoing thrill for us. It
would take years to become well versed in all of these creatures, but as
novices, it is quite fun to try to get to know them and we fancy ourselves birdwatchers now. Most of Kenya is rural and there are loads of
parks and reserves and conservancies, so it is not hard to “get out in nature”.
Once you leave the city, you are out in it, and you are struck immediately by
the natural wonders here.
We live in a city which is situated at an altitude of almost
8000 ft. near the Great Rift Valley. The Great Rift Valley is one of the
earth’s incredible geographical phenomenon, running all the way from the Middle
East to Botswana, in southern Africa. The upheaval that occurred millions of
years ago and created the Rift Valley also created many of the volcanoes which
dot East Africa.
Looking out over the Rift Valley is striking because of its
enormity and breadth. The Great Rift Valley is approximately 6000 feet long and several
thousand feet deep. It’s breathtakingly beautiful both because of its grandeur
and also because you know what you are seeing at is only a small segment. You can drive down in it and experience a dramatically
different environment than what is up on the escarpments. We have done this several
times and have seen new and different micro-climates and habitats along the way
each time.
The most notable aspect of the Rift Valley in Kenya, from North to South, is
the presence of several large lakes at the bottom of the valley. Some of them
have interesting chemical makeups, like salty or alkaline, making them home to
specific birds and animals who prefer that environment. Flamingoes, for one,
apparently eat an algae that is found in the alkaline lakes and aren’t really
seen much elsewhere. The environment in the valley has changed quite a bit due
to many rains and erosion up on the hillsides. There is one lake, Naivasha,
which we have visited frequently, which has natural springs feeding into it and
therefore is freshwater mostly. As
appealing as the water sometimes looks here, it is not a good idea to get in,
as there are hippos, crocs and lots of other little parasites in them.
Unfortunately, the British, while they were here for over a
hundred years, and the Kenyans because of their need for fuel, have deforested much of Kenya. You
can see far and wide over the valley, and there are small farms coating all the
sides of the escarpments which stand out over it like great rocky mountains.
There are trees now, because there has been an effort to reforest, but most of
them are young and not indigenous. (
The only true swath
of virgin Rainforest still in western Kenya is the 90 sq. mile Kakamega Rainforest, which is not so far away,
and which we have visited a few times. This much smaller than the original
swathe of rainforest has been protected since the 1930’s and offers a verdant
and lush selection of giant hardwoods,
long swinging vines and many ferns in the undergrowth. It is home to plenty of
unusual and lovely birds and monkeys and has a humid pungent
smell unlike anywhere else we’ve visited here.
Our favorite monkeys are the
Colubus, which from a distance look like flying skunks because they have a
white shawl of fur which covers their otherwise black back and flies out behind
them as they jump from limb to limb. They wake up the rainforest at dawn with a
lot of hooting and hollering which is both spooky and exciting.
Another spectacular
phenomenon in the western part of Kenya, is Mt. Elgon, the second tallest peak
in Kenya, at 13500 ft. Kenya’s mountains were once volcanoes so the landscape
around them is quite different due to the climate, soil and elevation. The
plants are not any I’ve seen anywhere else in what is called Afro-alpine moorland. It hosts many interesting and even bizarre plants, including succulents and trees that
look like giant cacti. It looks as if Dr. Seuss was there for a visit helping
plan it out! The peak itself is preceded by a caldera, considered by National
Geographic as one of the 150 most beautiful sites in the world. Although
you can walk into it, that would be another large hike, so you walk the rim to
the peak, enjoying the view along the way. The whole area is covered with large
boulders which one must assume were blown out of the caldera at some point.
Although not always easy to get to when it’s been raining, Mt. Elgon National
Park is one of our favorites and also has many animals and caves to see. We
have even seen forest elephants, a much smaller version of the savannah
elephants, which was a terrific surprise. They migrate across the park and into
Uganda and back again and we luckily got a little view of them wandering into
the woods.
During our travels
through the valley we have been amazed both at how dry that particular savannah
is and also how many people live there. It is not an easy life, for certain,
because the search for water must be ongoing. We are always amazed by the
lifestyle and physical challenges that the peoples living in the valley and in
other dry areas of Kenya face. As you
come out of the valley, although the elevation is higher and it is cooler, you
enter true savannah, which is where one finds most of the big animals for
which East Africa is famous. Elephants,
Lions, Water Buffalo, Wildebeest, Giraffes, warthogs, and all the rest live in
these huge swaths of land that the Kenyan Wildlife service has set aside for
these animals to live and migrate through. Although it doesn’t seem like much,
10% of Kenya’s land is preserved and the animals are protected. Visiting these
parks is quite amazing, especially if you are not in an area where there are
other tourists. You will inevitably run across large animals. The feeling you
get when you see a large land animal in the wild is hard to explain. It’s a kind of shock and the suspense you feel
as you are looking around is indescribable. “La magie” (Magic) is what a French
speaking friend called it, and I’d have to agree. The fact that they are
comfortable in their environment and doing what they naturally do is both
heartwarming and reassuring.
North of Nairobi, is an area called the Central Highlands
which is green and lush and home to Mt. Kenya. Mt. Kenya is sacred mountain in
the traditions of the Kikuyu. It also is a volcanic mountain and has a
beautiful Afro- landscape as well as several peaks, the tallest of which is
Battian at 16000 ft. Michael and Liam and Jack who was visiting us found it
quite a challenging climb yet fabulously beautiful with many vistas and
interesting stone formations. Although on the equator, it was quite cold as
they ascended which the Kenyans they were with did not appreciate! It may be the only truly cold spot in Kenya.
Kenya also has a beautiful coastline, which is dotted with
small villages of people from different tribes than anywhere else in the
country, mostly eking out a living as fishermen and tour guides now. The coast
is lush and tropical and the Indian Ocean is as stunning as any you’ve seen.
The colors are unbelievable from striking turquoise blue with white sandy
beaches to the sky blue and shining bright green of the coastal trees. Birds from Europe migrate to Kenya, some
staying here and others going further south and often their plumage changes to
a bright hue as they are here during breeding season. Thankfully, the coast is
somewhat under developed still so it is easy to find remote places to hang out.
The other interesting aspect of Kenya, aside from its
natural beauty is the diversity of people. Although there has been a fair
amount of mobility of people over the last 100 years, the people in western
Kenya are different from the people in Central Kenya who are not the same as
the people on the coast or up north. In fact, there are 43 tribes in Kenya and
although all of them have been somewhat influenced and affected by trade and cultures
from the east and the west, there are
those who still dress traditionally and have traditional customs.
Sometimes, as you drive around in 2015, it’s hard to believe
that there are still people here living in situations that seem very primitive,
but there they are! Huts, animals, spears, headdresses, and all. I've been with Kenyans in the car and seen young men running through the fields dressed in their special “circumcision ceremony” garb and had the Kenyan we were with say, “look at those Africans!” as if they no longer recognize themselves in these people.
So interesting and so complex. So wondrous and awe-inspiring. That is what Kenya truly is.
(credit for the majority of photos goes to Liam Greven. Check him out on FB:
Colubus Monkey |
Wild dogs in Tsavo West |
Vervet Monkey at Hell's Gate |
Rhino in Likipia |
Warthogs |
Mt. Elgon landscape |
Topi |
jackal |
Wildebeest during migration |
Bushbuck |
Impala |
Tree in Mt. Elgon National Park |
Cave at Mt. Elgon |
Colubus and trees at MT. Elgon |
.JPG) |
Afro-Alpine moorland at Mt. Kenya |
Pied Kingfisher |
Malachite Kingfisher |
East AFrican Cranes |
One of many Weaver birds |
Baobab |
Croton |
looking out over Kakamega Rainforest |
Masaai homestead |
Samburu warriors |
Samburu women hitching a ride |
Samburus on the road |
.JPG) |
Rift Valley Escarpments |
Rift Valley Tortoise |
Kakamega Rainforest |
papyrus |
In the Rift Valley |
Water Buffalo |
Coast of Kenya |
Hornbill |
Berbet |
Euphorbia next to termite mound |
Goliath Heraon |